The latitude and longitude of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is: 3° 10' 0" N / 101° 42' 0" E
The latitude and longitude of Singapore is:1° 22' 0" N / 103° 48' 0" E -Experience
Vehicle Entry Permit (VEP), Toll Charges and Electronic Road Pricing matters
Driving distance from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Singapore, Singapore is:232 miles / 374 km
Bearing SE; Drive time 2 hours, 45 minutes
Fuel cost of driving from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Singapore is:
USD32.44 or MYR97.174 one-way / USD64.88 or MYR194.348 round trip
Gas mileage: 25 mpg - 9.409 L/100 km
Gas consumption: 9.279 gallons 35.125 litres
92.35128 (US cents/litre) 3.496 ((US Dollars/gallon)
RON97 Malaysia Premium grade petrol, effective midnight15th June,2011, MYR2.80 per litre or MYR10.599 per gallon.
*Toll charges class 1 Passenger cars from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Singapore is
Normal Rates:MYR42.20 USD13.86 Total Distance:KM 306.7(Toll gate is Putra Jaya - Skudai)* Source
Also see expressway route
Straight line flying distance- 110 miles / 177 km
Map at Source
*Additional cost: Johor–Singapore Causeway*
Malaysian toll charges Passenger cars MYR 2.90 USD 0.956 *Note: Toll
charges can only be paid with the Touch'n Go card. Cash payment is not accepted.
Second link Tanjung Kupang Toll Plaza (TTK) (Malaysia) Passenger Cars
Singapore toll charges SGD 1.20 MYR 2.937 USD 0.969
SGD$3.70 for cars entering via Second link, Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim at Tuas
Additional cost: The Vehicle Entry Permit (VEP) Scheme for foreign-registered cars into Singapore.
Vehicle Entry Permit Charges for cars 20 SGD per day. Acquire an Autopass card at checkpoints to (VEP) fees, toll charges and/or ERP(Electronic Road Pricing) charges. Consider Autopass Cards slots known as In-Vehicle units (IU) installation in the vehicle. For foreign motorists intending to pass through ERP-priced roads during its operational hours, they can either choose to install or rent an In-Vehicle Unit (IU) to pay ERP fees. For those who do not wish to rent or install an IU, they can choose to pay a fixed ERP fee of S$10 per day, regardless of the number of times they pass through an ERP gantry in the day. This will be paid together with their VEP and toll charges via the
Autopass card when they depart from Singapore. This fixed fee scheme starts
from 1 September 2003 onwards and is only applicable for those who do not
have an IU installed in their foreign-registered cars.
Authorised IU Service Centres
Temporary IU installation booths
TIU rentals cost SGD5 a day (minimum 2 days' rental) with a SGD120
refundable deposit, from which the daily rental will be deducted. Each TIU
is valid for two weeks, although extensions may be made at TIU sales
1)Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim
(Slip road along Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim towards Tuas Checkpoint - Drive
Telephone : (65) 6863 0756
Operating Hours : 24 Hours
2)Turf Club Avenue
(Outside Kranji Turf Club - Drive through)
Telephone : (65) 6367 7686
Operating Hours : 08:00 - 20:00 Hrs
3)Woodlands Centre
(Along Woodlands Centre Road - towards Woodlands Checkpoint)
Telephone : (65) 6368 1807
Operating Hours : 24 Hours *
All foreign-registered vehicles entering Singapore are only granted free
entry on weekends and during off-peak hours on weekdays (5 p.m.-2 a.m.)
However, during the Singapore mid-year and year-end school holidays, VEP
fees will only apply from 2AM to 12PM. Exemption of VEP charges on Singapore's Public Holidays apply.
Foreign-registered cars and motorcycles are permitted to drive into
Singapore for 10 days in a calendar year without paying Vehicle Entry Permit
fees, although toll charges still apply.
Hint: Do fill up your petrol tank or risk paying twice the price @
SGD2.14/liter premium grade (See Is Petrol in Singapore Overpriced?)
, in Singapore. Malaysians driving into Singapore are also advised against
traveling during peak hours (6am to 9am driving into Singapore, and leaving
Singapore 5pm to 8pm during weekdays) as the traffic flow is usually quite
It is projected from late 2011, the Johor Bahru Causeway toll will jump
sharply to more than 200%.N.B. (
Nota Bene)Malaysia: the "regular" unleaded fuel is 95 RON,
"premium" fuel is rated at97 RON (but for Shell 97 RON is V-Power,
and Shell's V-Power Racing is rated at 97 RON.) (Research Octane
Number] Higher octane ratings correlate to higher activation energies
used in more powerful engines which are designed to operate with a
high maximum compression. However, detonation(uncontrolled ignition)
is undesirable in a spark ignition engine( contrasts with diesel-fueled
compression-ignition engine), and is signified by audible "pinking" or
in more extreme cases "knock". A common misconception is that power output
or fuel efficiency can be improved by burning fuel of higher octane than that specified by the engine manufacturer.
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Thursday, June 16, 2011
Driving to Singapore
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