Crocodilians injure people under several sets of circumstances:
1. Territorial defense
2. Nest defense
3. Self defense
4. Predation
5. By accident
6. In the course of handling by people
These circumstances, of course, are not mutually exclusive. The first four, especially predation, typically result in the death of the croc or gator if it can be caught.
You can just imagine Irwin yelling: "Just look at these beauties! Crikey!
Video Warning!! (Gruesome)
From The Times April 23, 2007 Catapult boy is eaten after taunting crocodile in pen A crocodile is dragged out of the water Jane Macartney in Beijing A schoolboy who climbed over a fence into a crocodile enclosure and taunted the animals with sticks and a catapult was dragged into the water and eaten. The nine-year-old, whose family name was given as Liu, and three friends sneaked into the crocodile park at the Silver Beach holiday resort at Beihai in the southwestern Guangxi region on Friday. The children shot at the animals with catapults and beat them with sticks. The official Xinhua news agency said: “One of the irritated crocodiles bit Liu’s clothes and dragged him into the water where he was eaten by a swarm of crocodiles.” His companions then raised the alarm. Investigators searched for the missing boy and decided to check inside the crocodiles. Snipers used pork to lure them out of their pool and shot dead the first animal to lumber on to the bank. Inside it they found human remains that were confirmed to be those of the boy. The crocodiles were still being bred, even though their performances at the park were stopped several years ago and the pool had been sealed off for auction. The park’s owner had hired a keeper to take care of the crocodiles, but it was unclear why the man was not at the enclosure when the boys broke in. The manager and the keeper were being questioned by police. Animal welfare has long been a low priority in China, where many zoos have for years provided bare and often squalid pens for animals that spend their entire existence in the public eye. Even at the Beijing Zoo, the prized pandas must now be cordoned off well out of reach of visitors. People have in the past tossed food wrapped in plastic bags into their pens which destroyed the digestive system of at least one of the endangered animals. The latest scandal to attract public attention came last year in Shanghai when a city zoo cancelled its “Animal Olympics” after shows featuring boxing matches between kangaroos and their keepers, bears fighting and riding bicycles and an elephant tug-of-war drew unwelcome publicity. The event was cancelled after animal rights groups posted reports and pictures on the internet. |
Seven-metre maneating crocodile shot dead Daily Telegraph From correspondents in Port Moresby January 15, 2007 05:31pm A HUGE crocodile that killed a mother of four in Bougainville has been shot dead by police. The 7m animal was spotted on Friday near the mouth of the Tasui River where it seized Martina Tewei two weeks ago, Papua New Guinea's Post-Courier newspaper reported today. The newspaper said police used all the bullets in the magazine of an M16 rifle to kill the animal. It took an hour to die, and 30 men to lift it onto a truck, the Post-Courier said. M16 magazines usually carry at least 20 rounds. Police were called in after Tewei was swept into the river by a swipe of the crocodile's tail as she was walking on felled logs used to cross the water. She had gone to the area to collect shells and mud crabs with her daughter and other women. Villagers later found parts of her body along the river. Police and villagers built two wall traps at the mouth of the river to try to catch the reptile. At the weekend, after breaking one wall down, the animal became stuck in the second wall. Two doctors from Bougainville's main hospital in Buka later opened the crocodile's stomach to find human body parts, a shirt and a necklace to confirm it was the animal that killed Tewei. |
Girl, man killed in PNG croc attacks Tuesday Jan 17 2006 12:47 AEDT A 13-year-old girl and a 24-year-old man have been killed in separate crocodile attacks in Papua New Guinea's Gulf Province. Kapiri Paul and Apoa Sone, both from the Baimuru district, were attacked on the Purari River in the past two weeks but searches had failed to recover their remains or find the crocodiles, police said. Provincial Police Commander Heni Vagi said the girl was washing in the river on January 5 when a large crocodile attacked and dragged her under the water as her mother unsuccessfully tried to pull her from its mouth. Villagers who later searched the river only found the girl's torn and bloodstained skirt, he said. In the second incident, on January 11, Sone was swimming in the river with two friends when a large crocodile attacked and dragged him under, Inspector Vagi said. The reptile later surfaced with the body as villagers watched helplessly from the bank, he said. Officers were sent from the provincial capital Kerema to help villagers find the crocodiles but so far they have been unsuccessful. "They want us to use guns to hunt them down," Vagi said. He said it was not known if the same animal was responsible for both attacks. Meanwhile, at Wasu in Morobe Province there has been an unconfirmed report of a woman and a 10-year-old boy being killed in separate crocodile attacks last week. Wasu businessman Jimmy Gossett told PNG's newspaper The National that both were attacked at Bomu River and search parties had found remains including half the boy's skull and the woman's legs on the riverbank. Morobe Provincial Police Commander Peter Nessatt said on Tuesday he knew nothing of the deaths and he would make further inquiries. Fatal crocodile attacks were rare in the province, he said. The Gulf Province fatalities and the unconfirmed reports from Morobe come as a Queensland man prepares to mount a hunt for large "man-eating" crocodiles in PNG including Gulf Province. Australian Mick Pitman, of Bundaberg, last month was authorised by PNG's Environment and Conservation Department to hunt "nuisance crocodiles" in three provinces. But his request to escort high-paying trophy hunters is still being assessed by officials. Pitman this month advertised a "hunt of a lifetime" in PNG for two man-eating crocodiles that had eaten five to seven humans between them, the cost per hunter being $US180,000 ($A238,000). ©AAP 2006 |
SNORKEL BRIT IS KILLED BY CROC Body found after horror attack near Picnic Beach From Frank Thorne In Sydney 27/09/2005 A BRITISH mining engineer was killed by a huge saltwater crocodile as he snorkelled off a remote Australian beach. Russell Harris, 37, disappeared while swimming with a friend at a beauty spot known as Picnic Beach. His American wife Jennifer - waiting onshore - raised the alarm after his mate returned without him. Last night Russell's distraught dad Don told how his 60-year-old wife Jackie collapsed with grief and was taken to hospital after being told of their son's horrific death. Advertisement Click here to find out more! He said: "She had just come back from a shopping trip and fell down in our hallway and just lay there screaming for two hours." Speaking at their home in Eastwood, Notts, the ex-pitman said he could not bear to imagine his son's last moments. Fighting back tears, he added: "When Jennifer rang to tell me the news I couldn't believe it. I was devastated. "He was a fantastic son and an amazing guy. He was gifted at everything. He was the tops." Aborigine townsfolk joined a massive search after Russell vanished at Groote Eylandt, off Australia's northern coast at the weekend . His mutilated body was found the next day at a rivermouth more than a mile away. Police said his injuries were consistent with a crocodile attack. Sgt Stephen Pfitsner confirmed that a 13ft croc had recently been sighted in the area. He added: "It may still be around and we are advising people to be extra cautious." The body was flown to Darwin, where a post mortem was due to be carried out. Russell had been working on the island for five months as a manganese mine superintendent for Gemco - part of Anglo-British mining group BHP Billiton. He was last seen by his 33-year-old friend on Saturday as they snorkelled 22 yards off shore. Police were alerted and a plane carried out an aerial search with several civilian vehicles and boats also joining the hunt. A spokeswoman for BHP Billiton said counsellors had been brought in to help console Russell's relatives and colleagues. "Our priority at the moment is to offer support to the family and also our employees," she said. "It's a very small community and obviously this is going to be a very difficult time for people there." About 440 people are employed at the site - 200 of them outside contractors. Russell had a job with another firm in Australia prior to moving to Groote Elyandt, and before that had worked for BHP Billiton in New Mexico. Saltwater crocodiles - known as "salties" - can grow up to 23ft and are common in rivers and in the sea around northern Australia. They normally attack cattle which stray too close to the water's edge, other mammals, birds and fish. Their numbers have exploded in recent years thanks to a hunting ban imposed in the 1970s when it was thought they could be wiped out by hunters wanting their skins. The killing is the second in weeks. Last month a 60-year-old man fishing from a canoe in north-eastern Australia was dragged underwater. In the last 20 years, there have been more than a dozen fatal attacks. Student Isobel von Jordan was eaten by a 12ft Australian saltie just 11 days after escaping death in the Bali terrorist bombing in October 2002. In April, 2002, musician Richard Shadwell, 35, from Sutton, Surrey, was savaged to death by a croc in Borneo |
Angola: Three eaten by crocodile 2002 A woman and two young children were eaten by a crocodile on the banks of River Sendi, Huila, Southern Angola, last week. The woman and two children aged 3 and 5 were attacked by the crocodile as they were walking along the bank of the River Sendi, 150 km. from Lubango, capital of the province of Huila, southern Angola. he scene was witnessed by a school teacher who said that the woman, 42 years of age, had gone to fetch some water from the river where she used to wash the family’s clothes. Make the family’s tragedy worse, the two girls were her daughters. The crocodile has been attacking goats, pigs and oxen drinking at the site in recent weeks. Despite their clumsy appearance, crocodiles can reach speeds of up to 35 km./hour in short bursts on land, a fact unknown to many who allow them to get too close. A favourite ploy by the crocodile is to approach silently, in the water, and suddenly charge up the bank or shore, dragging its prey into the water, where it is torn apart before it is devoured. Timothy BANCROFT-HINCHEY PRAVDA.Ru |

The remains of a Peace Corpsman removed from a thirteen-foot Nile crocodile killed at Gambella, Ethiopia in 1966. The case is reported in Eyelids of Morning by Graham and Beard (1973) and in Time (April 22, 1966). The attack was not confirmed until the croc was seen with the body in its jaws. The man’s legs (still attached at the pelvis), his barely recognizable head, and some unrecognizable pieces of tissue were removed from the animal after its shooting and recovery.
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A man eaten by a crocodile being removed from its stomach

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